Exciting, imaginative, genuine, free, risk-taking and dramatic… these are just some words used to express Rosy Ge’s wonderful playing. Described by many as a pianist with enormous potential, Rosy has won numerous prizes and scholarships both locally and internationally. She was the Grand Prize winner of the CSU-Stanislaus International Piano Competition and a laureate of the Shean Piano Competition. A multi-prize winner at the Canadian Music Competitions, she played with the Alberta Philharmonic Orchestra in a Gala concert showcasing grand prize winners in 2005 and in 2006, Rosy became the only Chinese recipient of the prestigious Developing Artist Grand given by the Raymond Hnatyshyn Foundation.
Rosy is also a dedicated teacher and mentor to young musicians. She taught her first lesson at the age of 13, and it continues to be a major part of her career. Besides running Illumine Star Academy, a private music school in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Rosy has given lectures and masterclasses extensively in China, Canada, and the United States. Many of her students won top prizes in local and international competitions and were accepted to prestigious music programs. Rosy held assistant teaching positions in Indiana University and University of Kansas. She was the coordinator of an outreach distance learning program called Pianos Without Borders. Based in Lawrence, Kansas, this unique setup allows kids from high-crime low-income areas to receive piano lessons via the Yamaha Disklavier. Her and her team presented about this program at the Music Teachers National Association conference in Baltimore, Maryland in March of 2017 in the hope that more and more organizations will adopt this program and give everyone a chance to explore the possibilities of music. Rosy is also an editor for the United States Music Certificate Examination (USMCE).
Born in China and raised in Canada, Rosy began piano lessons with her grandmother, a well-respected piano professor at Shandong Normal University. After moving to Edmonton, she studied with Mr. Wolfram Linnebach all the way through high school and also took lessons with Mr. Hung-Kuan Chen while he was still in Calgary. Rosy continued with Dr. Patricia Tao and finished her Bachelors of Music degree at Oberlin Conservatory under the tutelage of Ms. Angela Cheng. For her graduate studies Rosy was guided by Dr. Karen Shaw at Indiana University and she completed a Doctor of Musical Arts degree with Dr. Steven Spooner at the University of Kansas. While she was in Kansas, Rosy also had the privilege of working closely with the president of the Music Teacher National Association, Dr. Scott McBride Smith on various projects. Under his mentorship Rosy gained a deeper understanding of piano pedagogy and laid a solid foundation for her teaching career.
Rosy Ge 葛宇轩
人们用“充满想象力,率真自由,激情而富于表现……”来描述Dr. Rosy Ge的钢琴演奏。作为一个有着巨大潜力的钢琴演奏者,她曾在各类国内和国际比赛赢得殊荣获得奖项,她是CSU-Stanislaus 国际钢琴比赛第一名,也是Shean钢琴比赛的获奖者,在加拿大全国音乐比赛(CMC)中多次获得第一名,并在2005年代表众多获奖者与阿尔伯塔交响乐团合作演出。2006年,Dr. Ge有幸获得享有崇高盛誉的加拿大Hnatyshyn总督颁发艺术家大奖,她也是第一位华裔得主。
近些年Dr. Ge专注学业,钻研钢琴教学理论和方法。自13岁起,Dr. Ge教学经验丰富,既有刚刚启蒙的幼童,也有本科生和研究生。教学内容涉略甚广,既有钢琴演奏,也有音乐文献和历史。作为堪萨斯大学青年钢琴家培训学院的特邀艺术家,Dr. Ge的大师课让学生交口称赞。她也曾是堪萨斯大学音乐学院远程钢琴教学项目主任。2017年3月她带领她的团队参加了在美国巴尔的摩举办的全美音乐教师学术研讨会,并在会上就远程教学这一极具发展前景的主题做了重点发言,希望更多的组织和学校能够应用他们的研究成果,以便为那些喜欢音乐的低收入和偏远地区家庭的孩子提供音乐学习的机会。此外,鉴于对国际钢琴考级热的独到见解,Dr. Ge还应邀参与了美国联邦考级的新教材的研究及在世界各地的推广工作。
2017年10月-11月,Dr. Ge受邀在中国的中央民族大学,安徽大学,上海师范大学,华东师范大学,鲁东大学和济南大学巡讲,受到了广泛的好评。师生们用“逻辑清晰,内容新颖,信息量丰富”来形容她的讲座。
Dr. Ge在中国出生,加拿大长大。从小跟随在钢琴界享有盛名的山东师范大学钢琴教授,也是她的祖母学习钢琴。6岁便在电视台登台演出。随父母移居加拿大后,先后跟随当地颇受欢迎的林尼巴赫先生,著名的钢琴教育家陈宏宽教授学习钢琴,并参加了但昭义老师的大师一对一课。考入美国欧柏林音乐学院后,师从钢琴大师Angela Cheng并在其指导下获得学士学位。而后在美国印第安纳大学音乐学院系主任Dr. Karen Shaw 的指导下完成了她的硕士学位。2017年在堪萨斯大学音乐学院的Dr.Steven Spooner和美国音乐教师协会委员会主席Dr.Scott McBride Smith教授的指导下顺利的拿到钢琴表演的博士学位。经过漫长的钢琴教育理论和演奏实践,对钢琴教育和表演等都有了更深入理解,为她今后的钢琴教育教学和演奏生涯奠定了良好的基础。